Thursday, April 15, 2010

First draft

global warming

global warming is one of the most important environmental problems throughout the world. what is global warming why people are worried about this environmental issue global warming in different words is an increase in the temperture of the earth atmosphere. The earth atmosphere becomes warmer than before. The research proved that human activiti are the main reason of the problem of global . the intergovrnmental panel on climate change in its report in, states that there is new and stronger evdence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 year is attrbutable to human activities greenhouse gases and defoestation are considered as the main causes of global warming. as result of global warming we have a higher ice melting rate in the frozn area and change in climate such as having higher temperture in some areas


cause 1
the main cause of global warming greenhouse gase. what are greenhouse gases it is mix of gase present in the atmospher that absorb heat from sun to warm earth. the main greenhouse gase in earth atmospher : water vapor, carbon dioxid, methane , nitrous oxide however human activiti increased the concentrtion of carbon dioxid and other greenhouse gase. plants power, auto mobiles and air planes use fossil fuel. burning fossil fuel increase the concentrtion of carbon dioxid in the atmospher. methane also effect 20 time more than carbon. methane gas is release during the process and prepartion of fossil fuel. nitrous oxide is naturaly found in the atmospher because of the chmical reaction that occur with sunlight some of the most comon nitrou oxide source like agricultural fertilizer, nylon, catalytic converter, nitric acd, and the burn of organic matter are man made

eforstation is other comon cause of global warming deforestation according to nasa, besides, human caused carbon dioxid emission released to the enviroment, deforetation actualy now is second most prolfic cause of carbon dioxid in the atmospher. deforestation is the source to 25 /100 of carbon dioxid emission released to the atmospher. around 33, 000,000 acre of tree are cut and burn each year. deforestation bad side is raising the carbon dioxid by cutting tree. that double the amount of carbon dioxid in the atmospher. the plant and tree by its nature absorbed the carbon dioxid and produc clean, pur and breathble oxygen as free to environment. therefore, the amount of carbon dioxid will just accumulate more and more in atmospher by time

milting of frozn areas such as north pole and south pole is main effect from the increas in temperatur it will raise sea level. There are around 5,773000 cubic mile of water in glacie, peranent snow and ice cap. according to national snow and ice data center ,if all frozn area milted today the sea would rise about 230 feet. global warming will increase if the frozen area gone. The frozn area are white, and reflct sunlight, cooling the earth and most of the sunlight is reflected back to space. If the frozen area milts, the only reflector for sunlight is the ocean. dark color absorb sunlight and warm the earth

the second main effect of global Warming is change in climate,change in climate lead to danger effect. when the climate change there will be deadly storm like the katrina hurricane and this change will affect agricultur. new crop will be able to be grow in area that are currently cold or hot to support them. however more disease may substitute any benefit highe temperatur may have. water resources will also be affected. Some reservoir may dry if temperatur increase, especialy if rainfal also decrease or maybe the change lead to heavier rainfal cause flood in some area. change in climate will effect human health, there will be more allerg attack because the polen season become long and more death because of heat wav, more disease will start to appear since raise in number for some animal which carry these disease. example, Mosquitoes will raise the number of people who have malaria. These animals discussed earlier will travel from their environment to new area

in conclusion
we must control the concentrtion of carbon, methane and nitrous oxid to prevent the increase of the temperture by decresing the use of fossil fuel. also we need to grow more tree and plant, and reduce the process of cutting and burning tree

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